Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The One Rupee Tale.

My friend Sharan who had come for a vacation to Bangalore was leaving in two days to Texas. Traditionally, people shop during the first few days of their vacation but Sharan did all his shopping exactly one day prior to his departure. So all of us wore our sports shoes, because there would be a lot of running about.
When we went to a Nike showroom Sharan bought a pair of tracks costing 899 rupees. Sharan gave him 900 rupees and took the bill without asking for his one rupee (which is what all of us if not most of us do).
That same evening, I went to eat some bondas with my mum. The bill was 13 rupees and the shopkeeper gave me only 6 rupees saying he does not have any change. Instantaneously, I gave him 2 rupees more and asked him to give me another bonda.

THE REALIZATION:After eating my last bonda,I suddenly realized how we had left one rupee at the Nike showroom without even asking for it once and here I was asking for another bonda just because he did not give me my one rupee. That just left me with one question 'Who needs this one rupee more?', Is it the man behind the cash counter in an AC showroom or this man toiling every single night in his small, dimly lit shop?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

13 Little Things that make me Happy..

1)Getting up late.
2)Playing with clay.
3)When someone gives me a chocolate :D
4)When someone bribes me with candy and says I should forgive them if they gave me candy. Its silly but i usually always end up forgiving and yeah mostly for the candy.
5)Screaming with joy when I win at something I suck at terribly
6)Getting really excited when i go karting and sit in a two seater one next to my friend who by the way is an extremely fast driver.
7)Running into a friend I really liked and have not met them for a while.
8)Having teltpathic communications with my close friends when I am uncomfortable around someone and trying to crack a joke out of it.
9)My mum waiting for me to come have lunch.
10)Laughing for the sillest joke cracked and laughing inspite of it being silly
11)Making my puppy dog face and getting whatever i ask at that moment.
12)Finding money in my jeans pocket when I am broke.
13)Eating pani-puri...:D:D